
Important notice to customers

The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPI Act) took effect on 1 July 2021. It creates two roles for entities that have access to and process “personal information”, which is described as information and characteristics that may disclose the identity of a person (natural or juristic) and in that way, infringe on that person’s right to privacy. The full definition can be found in the POPI Act. The roles the POPI Act creates are those of ‘responsible party’ and ‘operator’.

StorVault Pty Ltd (StorVault) provides systems on/over which customers can transmit any kind of information or ‘data’ including their own or other personal information, to the backup/storage facility. We would like to make it clear that in the supply of storage and backup services along with maintenance and support and the relevant software and hardware, StorVault acts as a service provider and supplier, NOT an operator. You do NOT need to send us an operator contract as we do not act as operators.

At no stage, do we have sight of, or access to, the content of the data you send for backup or storage. Therefore, whether or not it includes personal information is not relevant to or visible by us and we do not collect, alter, aggregate or modify personal information contained in your data.

Our services are pure transit and storage of whatever you choose to use the services for and whatever you may choose to backup and store. We offer a facility – we do not deal with the information in the facility.

We will process personal information that we take from each customer to register you on our system, confirm your creditworthiness, and liaise with you for invoicing and collect payment. The terms and conditions of processing are available in our Privacy Policy (this processing is not the same as processing data that you decide to send to and store on our system). In limited circumstances we may apply to CGIC for insurance in relation to your contract debt, in which case CGIC has provided us with the following undertaking:

Notice from CGIC

As required by the Protection of Personal Information Act No 4 of 2013, we advise that Personal Information (as defined in the Act) supplied by you to (us/PH’s defined name) in the context of these Credit and Sales Terms, shall be shared with Credit Guarantee Insurance Corporation of Africa Limited (“CGIC”), a licensed non-life insurer, in terms of our trade-credit insurance policy with them.

CGIC will process this personal information for underwriting, policy administration, claims management and related insurance purposes.

For further information about how CGIC processes your personal information please refer to their Privacy Notice, available under the Privacy section on their website www.creditguarantee.co.za

For further queries, please email helpdesk@storvault.co.za